Begin Again – a must watch on my list

Begin Again is a 2014 musical drama that had me at its poster. Keira Knightly, Mark Ruffalo and Adam Levine as the protagonists, can it get more awesome than that. Yes it can, but this was pretty awesome too. 

So, here’s why this is one of the must watch on my list of movies.

1. The cast

2. The music, Lost stars was a reason I tried to unsuccessfully learn the guitar yet again. 

3. The feel of the film, it’s so laid back in time with a sharp constrast of an unforgiving and fast paced life in the music industry.

4. The part where Keira and Mark swap their playlist and listen to it while going crazy all over town.

5. The chemistry between the protagonists and how it’s portrayed so practically, combined with heartbreaks, heart aches, love, acceptance, possibility, morality, faithfulness, betrayal, friendship, dignity and obsession. And above all music. 

6. Keira’s laid back, ‘minimalistic with an old soul vibe’ style in the movie. The style is so her which lets her embody the character so well. Cropped pegged trousers with crop tops, pretty summer knee length dresses, distressed denims with layered tank, brogues and slippers. Her hair is in a ponytail most of the times and with barely there makeup, Keira looks lovely.  

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