OGmama Organic Body Polish

I came across OGmama body polish during my pregnancy. I wanted to use only organic and natural products during pregnancy and found this scrub on naturalmantra.com and immediately bought three of these. I used it very consistently during my third trimester and thereafter anytime I could find the luxury of taking a longer shower, I’d head for it.

I couldn’t find it on Natural Mantra when I tried looking for it recently, and I am almost halfway done with my third tub, so no idea where am I going to repurchase these from in India. But if you do find it, please do try the scrub. It’s simply wonderful. The grit of the scrub is perfect and its seeped in these beautiful oils so scrubbing becomes easier and you are left with a nourished and smooth skin. The fragrance is nothing special but knowing that the product is natural and free of pesticides just makes me love this product even more, and have continued using it even after pregnancy. 

If you do come across it, please let me know. Having used this scrub, I find it very difficult to pick anything else. Maybe I’ll try a DIY version of it!

Click here to know more about the product. 

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